Monday, April 14, 2014

"I always thought someone should do something about that....Then I realized, I am that someone." -jason flatt

Sometimes, the character of our true selves is revealed when inundated with the thing we claim to love more then anything in the world.

I am surrounded by Humans who "love" dogs.  I am surrounded by Humans who "love dogs more then anything," and these very Humans hurt them.  They cannot see the hurt they cause; is it because they are blinded by this "love,"  or is it that they genuinely don't believe their "love" is causing any pain or emotional discomfort.....

I know we are all entitled to our opinions, but if you aren't compassionate in what you do, no matter what that may be, you aren't Whole.  There is something broken inside you if you aren't effected by the panic or pain you hear from an animal in your care.  Or if you can somehow turn your head when you see an animal sitting in its own waste.....  if money and time management matter more then the soul someone entrusted you with while they are out of town....

Be careful who you leave your pets with.  Hire a pet-sitter.  It is less stressful on your pets, and no more money then you'd pay for boarding. 

If you must board:  Demand a Full Tour of any kennel facility you wish to use.  If they won't show you a particular part of the building, there's a reason.

These are your furry kids, your compadres, your protectors and companions....Make sure they are well loved and not abused in your absence.  If they come home acting weird, or doing anything that leads you to think someone's not being good to them, listen to that gut instinct.  Follow up on it. 

There are money people, and there are compassionate people; it is hard to find a marriage of the two in the animal boarding industry.  They exist, but they are unfortunately harder and harder to find.  I use a pet-sitter.  I will not kennel my dogs.

 If some kind of emergency happened that forced my hand, I would ask that they board at my vet's office.  Everyone knows them there, and I have seen every square inch of that facility.  They hide nothing.  They love my pets.  They are compassionate.  And they handle my pets with care.  It is not a numbers game to them. 

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