Thursday, November 13, 2014

Equal Rights for All?

Every time I open my inter-webs connection lately, someone is crying for an "end to inequality."  I see newscasters talking about discrimination and racism, and how we all must band together to "fight" these horrible things that shouldn't exist in 2014.....

I agree.  Completely.
But if you ask those same people how they feel about "pitbull" type dogs, too many of them are too quick to condemn.

These same, so-called educated and intelligent Humans will spout nonsense about how they will "turn" or how they are "inherently vicious," but most of them have never known one.  Most of them can't even identify what a "pitbull" is, but they hate them all the same.

That's racism.

That is discrimination.

That is taking someone else's word that something is "evil" and "dangerous."

There are so many incidents of college "frat-house" rapes.  These happen every day.  Do I get to go around saying that All College Boys Are Rapists?

For those of us old enough to remember the fights for Civil Rights, can you recall the blatent hatred of anyone with a different color skin?

Does anyone remember the Japanese camps in Colorado?  *Look it up*

What about how women are treated and paid in today's workforce?  We're willing to fight for our own right to equal and fair treatment, but we allow the media to tell us to live in fear of a dog.

How about those NFL players.....Should I automatically assume that only the "black" ones fight dogs behind everyone's back, and the "white" ones rape women?  Of course not; that Person responsible chose to do those things.  And what a fine example we set for our kids:  Do those heinous acts, and if you have enough money to pay a good lawyer, and you are famous enough, you will not only STILL keep your job, but you will make MORE money in endorsements than you ever dreamed of!

Judging the acts of a few, and saying it is the way of the many is unfair.  The unfortunate things that happen to these dogs is disgusting.  It is a People Problem.  It is irresponsibility gone to fruit, and if we do not address the Humans, the "dog problem" will never go matter what sort of ineffective "ban" is put into effect.

An African-American is only a person.
A woman is still a Human Being.
A pitbull is just a dog. 

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